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France is third biggest country in European Union. It`s bordering Andorra, Spain, Italy, Monaco, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and Great Brittain on the north.


Amazing Castles

Since the middle ages, France has been a major power in Europe, which resulted in country`s great prosperity. They gave to the world a number of great thinkers, artists. One such example is Gothic architecture (Opus Francigenum), which in translation means "French work". It`s originating from Île-de-France region, and the taken over to the rest of the world.


French Architecture

When you visit France, you will have a chance to see world`s most glorious castles, ramparts, monuments, gardens.

Most important Gothic cathedrals and basilicas are located in Northern France: Saint Denis Basilica, Notre-Dame de Chartres, Notre-Dame d'Amiens and Palais des Papes.


French railway is the second largest in the Europe. It`s more than 30.000 km long. Trains run at speeds of 320km/h so if you decide to travel inland, we highly recommend using the train.

They stand on the first place in Europe when it comes to the roadways. While roads are in excellent condition, we would not recommend because of traffic jams, especially during holidays.


Paris - The City of Light

France is the top tourist destination in the world. More than 80 million foreign tourists come to France every year. At the time of speaking, 37 cities in France are on UNESCO`s World Heritage list. You can see almost everything in France. From sandy beaches in French Riviera to the highest mountain peak Mont Blanc on Alps. You can enjoy your stay at rural villages, or visit the City of Light - Paris. Whatever you are into, good chances are that you will find it in France.


When it comes to the shopping, you wont find better deails than in Paris. Ever heared of Chanel, Dior and Givenchy? Wondering where all those brands came from? Yes, you are right, they originate from France, and if you are in the need of a good parfume, include it in your shopping list!

If you are lucky, you will be in France during discount period where all prices are lowered by as much as 80%. The only problem you will have is "how to bring all this good home?".

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